AP Statistics
AP® Statistics gives students hands-on experience collecting, analyzing, graphing, and interpreting real-world data. They will learn to effectively design and analyze research studies by reviewing and evaluating real research examples taken from daily life. The next time they hear the results of a poll or study, they will know whether the results are valid. As the art of drawing conclusions from imperfect data and the science of real-world uncertainties, statistics plays an important role in many fields. The equivalent of an introductory college-level course, AP® Statistics prepares students for the AP® exam and for further study in science, sociology, medicine, engineering, political science, geography, and business.
This course has been authorized by the College Board® to use the AP® designation.
AP Calculus AB
AP® Calculus grounds the study of calculus in real-world scenarios and integrates it with the four STEM disciplines. The first semester covers functions, limits, derivatives and the application of derivatives. The course goes on to cover differentiation and antidifferentiation, applications of integration, inverse functions, and techniques of integration.
This course has been authorized by the College Board® to use the AP® designation.
AP Calculus BC
AP Computer Science A
Algebra I
Algebra I builds students' command of linear, quadratic, and exponential relationships. Students learn through discovery and application, developing the skills they need to break down complex challenges and demonstrate their knowledge in new situations.
Course topics include problem-solving with basic equations and formulas; an introduction to functions and problem solving; linear equations and systems of linear equations; exponents and exponential functions; sequences and functions; descriptive statistics; polynomials and factoring; quadratic equations and functions; and function transformations and inverses.
Algebra I Honors
Honors Algebra 1 builds a deep understanding of linear, quadratic, and exponential relationships. Students learn through discovery and application, developing the skills they need to break down complex challenges and demonstrate their knowledge in new situations.
Algebra II
Algebra II introduces students to advanced functions, with a focus on developing a strong conceptual grasp of the expressions that define those functions. Students learn through discovery and application, developing the skills they need to break down complex challenges and demonstrate their knowledge in new situations.
Course topics include quadratic equations and functions; polynomial functions; rational expressions and functions; radical expressions and functions; exponential and logarithmic functions; modeling with functions; graphing and modeling data; inferential statistics; confidence intervals; and matrices.
Algebra II Honors
This course supports all students as they develop computational fluency and deepen conceptual understanding. Students begin each lesson by discovering new concepts through guided instruction, then confirm their understanding in an interactive, feedback-rich environment. Modeling activities equip students with tools for analyzing a variety of real-world scenarios and mathematical ideas. Journaling activities allow students to reason abstractly and quantitatively, construct arguments, critique reasoning, and communicate precisely. Performance tasks prepare students to synthesize their knowledge in novel, real-world scenarios and require that they make sense of multifaceted problems and persevere in solving them.
Financial Algebra
Financial Algebra focuses on real-world financial literacy, personal finance, and business subjects. Students apply what they learned in Algebra 1 and Geometry to topics including personal income, taxes, checking and savings accounts, credit, loans and payments, car leasing and purchasing, home mortgages, stocks, insurance, and retirement planning.
Students then extend their investigations using more advanced mathematics, such as systems of equations (when studying cost and profit issues) and exponential functions (when calculating interest problems).
Geometry builds upon students' command of geometric relationships and formulating mathematical arguments. Students learn through discovery and application, developing the skills they need to break down complex challenges and demonstrate their knowledge in new situations.
Course topics include reasoning, proof, and the creation of sound mathematical arguments; points, lines, and angles; triangles and trigonometry; quadrilaterals and other polygons; circles; congruence, similarity, transformations, and constructions; coordinate geometry; three-dimensional solids; and applications of probability.
Geometry Honors
Honors Geometry builds upon students' command of geometric relationships and formulating mathematical arguments. Students learn through discovery and application, developing the skills they need to break down complex challenges and demonstrate their knowledge in new situations.
Course topics include reasoning, proof, and the creation of sound mathematical arguments; points, lines, and angles; triangles and trigonometry; quadrilaterals and other polygons; circles; congruence, similarity, transformations, and constructions; coordinate geometry; three-dimensional solids; and applications of probability.
Pre-Calculus is a course that combines reviews of algebra, geometry, and functions into a preparatory course for calculus. The course focuses on the mastery of critical skills and exposure to new skills necessary for success in subsequent math courses. The first semester includes linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, radical, polynomial, and rational functions; systems of equations; and conic sections. The second semester covers trigonometric ratios and functions; inverse trigonometric functions; applications of trigonometry, including vectors and laws of cosine and sine; polar functions and notation; and arithmetic of complex numbers.
Within each Pre-Calculus lesson, students are supplied with a post-study Checkup activity that provides them the opportunity to hone their computational skills by working through a low-stakes problem set before moving on to formal assessment. Unit-level Pre-Calculus assessments include a computer-scored test and a scaffolded, teacher-scored test.
Precalculus Honors
Pre-calculus Honors is a comprehensive course that weaves together previous study of algebra, geometry, and functions into a preparatory course for calculus. The course focuses on the mastery of critical skills and exposure to new skills necessary for success in subsequent math courses. The first semester includes linear, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, radical, polynomial, and rational functions; systems of equations; and conic sections. The second semester covers trigonometric ratios and functions; inverse trigonometric functions; applications of trigonometry, including vectors and laws of cosine and sine; polar functions and notation; and arithmetic of complex numbers.
Statistics and Probability
Probability and Statistics provides a curriculum focused on understanding key data analysis and probabilistic concepts, calculations, and relevance to real-world applications. Students are challenged to work toward mastery of computational skills, apply calculators and other technology in data analysis, deepen their understanding of key ideas and solution strategies, and extend their knowledge through a variety of problem-solving applications.
Course topics include types of data, common methods used to collect data, and representations of data, including histograms, bar graphs, box plots, and scatterplots. Students learn to work with data by analyzing and employing methods of extending results, involving samples and populations, distributions, summary statistics, experimental design, regression analysis, simulations, and confidence intervals.